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How To Whiten Your Teeth With A Banana Peel

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Whiten Your Teeth With A Banana Peel We all know that first impressions are very important, and what's the one thing besides hands that everyone looks at when they meet someone? THEIR SMILE! Now if you have a mouth full … Continued

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Police State Gone Wild: Couple Facing 60 Days In Jail For Rescuing Injured Baby Deer

posted in: Health And Wellness | 0

An Indiana couple saved a wounded baby deer and nursed it back to life, saving its life and giving it a home. They named it "Little Orphan Dani." When Indiana state officials got word of this courageous act of compassion, … Continued

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Beware: A President Who Justifies Drone Killings Of American Citizens Can Justify *Anything*

posted in: Health And Wellness | 0

The U.S. Justice Department has just released a 16-page memo outlining its justification for why President Obama can order drone killings of American citizens. The paper is a wild tour of bizarro-land justifications from a government that no longer abides … Continued

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The Awesome Benefits Of Drinking Warm Water And Lemon Juice

posted in: Health And Wellness | 0

Why You Should Drink Warm Water & Lemon Juice On Regular Basis!  So what's the big fuss over warm water and lemon juice? Here are 5 reasons you should be adding this drink to your daily regimen! 1. Boosts you're … Continued

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Famous Failures| Motivation To Win!

posted in: Inspirational | 0

Have you ever failed at anything in life? Of course you have, we all have at one point in time or another! If you've failed multiple times but keep getting back up and trying again, you're NOT A FAILURE!  ALWAYS … Continued

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