If you lived during China's Han dynasty and suffered from bad breath, chances are you would eventually come to know what Clove Buds where. You also might have run into 1 or 2 of these if you’ve ever had spice cake,pumpkin pie, or a baked ham. For over 2,000 years, Indian and Chinese medicine has made use of Clove bud because of its awesome benefits.
While the original tree is indigenous to the Maluku islands of Indonesia, Clove Bud grew, and continues to grow throughout places like Brazil, India, Tanzania, and other warm climates. In ancient times the cloves were used for its numerous benefits, from an antiseptic and a digestive aid, as well as for its food preserving ability.
Clove bud is full of vitamins and minerals, but what makes it stand out is because its loaded with Eugenol. Eugenol is toxic against harmful things like fungus and nasty organisms, but safe for us. It has also very helpful for its analgesic and antiseptic properties which make it very useful..
What Is Clove Bud Good For?
5 Benefits of Clove Bud
Respiratory benefits
When Clove bud oil is used as an ingredient in a vaporizer, it offers relief from ailments such as Asthma, Colds, upper respiratory infections, Bronchitis, and other breathing problems.
Antiseptic/ Skin help
Clove bud is an excellent antiseptic, you can use the oil to naturally get rid of skin problems and help alleviate ones such as Eczema and Psoriasis. It helps to kill the bacteria and promotes quicker healing. It's also great to help clear up skin blemishes and problems like acne, blackheads, and even boils.
Skin Repellent
If you live in areas where there are nasty bugs like mosquitoes, you know the diseases these bugs can carry. Even worse are the bug repellents which we use to repel these bugs. Clove bud can eliminate the need to use over the counter repellents, and in some cases actually works better than most conventional repellents. It also helps to moisturize the skin while keeping away the pests that may be carrying harmful diseases.
Gas and Bloating Help
Clove bud oil is awesome for helping to alleviate gas and bloating by helping to reduce stomach pressure, therefore helping to eliminate excess food and toxins that may be in your stomach. It’s also a natural way to alleviate pain from ulcers, acid reflux, and nausea.
Antiparasitic properties
Studies have shown that when supplementing with Clove bud, it helps to eliminate any harmful bacteria, and nasty critters like roundworm and other intestinal parasites and problems. By destroying them it helps to also helps to bring down any inflammation caused by any parasitic invasion, making Clove bud a power to be reckoned with.
An interesting fact was found, that places where herbs like Turmeric, Garlic Clove bud, were greatly utilized in meals and dishes, had much lower counts of life threatening diseases. Clove bud has amazing anti-inflammatory properties making it useful to help prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Ways to use Clove Bud
Besides in or hams or in or pies and other baked goods, there are many ways to utilize Clove bud. The first way is by supplementing in either capsule or pill form. Do not try to eat a Clove bud raw, the taste is horrible and the smell is very potent. You can get grounded Clove bud and add them to salad or to a health smoothie.
If you're looking for the best form, look for the organic kind. You will get the most potent and effective form this way. The Clove buds at the store are not as potent as those you would find in an organic market. For nausea or other stomach problems and ailments, pick up Clove bud tea. Drinking it will not only take away the symptoms, but also help to strengthen your immunity. For added taste ad a spoonful of honey and a tad bit of lemon juice. You can also get them in capsule, oil, or soap form!
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