I will win
Strive To Win
Have you ever tried to do something and failed miserably at it? We all have at one point in time or another. The thing about failing is that some of us get back up and try again, while others of us quit and never try again. Then years later we find ourselves looking back wondering what if we had tried again, what if we took one more shot at it.
But that’s as far as it ever goes….
Don’t be one of those people who thinks what if, don’t be one of those people who lives their lives in the past. There are too many people who are bitter beyond belief because they feel like they should be somewhere else even though they didn’t try. They failed and quit, they never went back and tried again so now they’re bitter towards life and everyone around them.
Because if you don't you're going to end up someday regretting it, you may not regret your decision now or maybe even 5 years from now, but sooner or later you will. There will come a time where you will be reminded of that chance that you had that you never took, and then the sour feeling will hit you, the feeling that maybe just maybe you should have tried a bit harder.
What's it going to be?
The choice is ALWAYS up to you!
Check out this video by Motivation Grid
Video Source – I will win – motivation grid
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